
As an Independent Insurance Agency, we only represent companies that are financially strong.  We select the best company to fit your needs and work for our clients to find the best possible price. Each company we partner with has direct lines to help you when we are not in the office. We will be happy to further assist with any issues or questions when we return to normal business hours.

Customer Service: 800-492-5692
Claims: 800-841-5241

Customer Service: 585-968-1000
Claims: 1-877-346-0300

Customer Service & Claims: 877-821-3039

Customer Service & Claims: 610-434-5179

Customer Service: 833-311-1242
Claims: 800-334-0090

Customer Service & Claims: 800-375-3252

Customer Service: 800-527-3907
Claims: 800-274-7865

Customer Service: 717-354-4921
Claims: 877-445-5780

Customer Service: 877-922-9701
Claims: 800-385-0274

Customer Service & Claims: 888-764-7232

Customer Service: 800-724-0074
Claims: 855-725-5642

Customer Service: 1-888-671-4405
Commercial Service: 1-888-240-9839

Customer Service: 1-800-842-5075
Claims: 1-800-252-4633

Customer Service: 800-442-8063
Claims: [email protected]

Customer Service & Claims: 800-243-0210